Once upon a time there was ...
'The Chair'
You know... the one that sits in the corner of your room that marinates all your clothes. For those who aren't familiar; the chair is for clothes that you've worn but aren't quite ready to wash yet. So my mission was to have 'a chair' rather than 'the chair'.
The Idea
Every morning my bedroom turns into a jungle full of rejected outfits everywhere; the floor, bed, and of course the chair. But one day it dawned on me that I wouldn't have this mess if I could just physically see an outfit in front of me rather than me trying to piece items together in my head, try it on, to then realise it doesn't go.
But then that light bulb moment hit me...
How handy would it be to have a single hanger that could hold a whole outfit in one piece?
The Prototype
That grinny face right there was the moment TOHC really came to life. It was a typical COVID working-from-home day and an email came in from the manufacturer of a prototype they made me.
Finally, the idea I had been imagining, obsessing about, and planning for years was a real physical product. It has been a long journey but one that's been worthwhile as it's all about one product that makes people's lives easier and gets us excited about styling clothes just by using one simple tool.
And that's how 'The Outfit Hanger Company' was born.
The Product
There's a happy ending to this story. After years of countless coffees, late nights, manufacturers, prototypes, iterations, patent research and of course let's not forget a million arguments with my Bengali mother about how I'm 'wasting my life', it finally came to life.
It needs no introduction.
So allow the outfit hanger to bring your clothes to life and let your wardrobe breathe.